Unexpected Behaviors and The Power of a Receipt:

Thank Goodness, I saved the receipt… On a Saturday morning when my son and I were in line to buy a birthday card for the party he was attending later the same day, my son starts to talk to me about prime numbers and begins asking more and more complex questions. Suddenly becomes fixated on …

5 Main Ingredients for Your Autism Friendly Classroom

I can’t cook very well.  More specifically, I can’t follow recipes very well.  When there are too many details, I realize I’m not actually cooking but rather “assembling” – like one of the 1,000 piece, Ikea set that I have ordered online.  Who wants to do that? I like to teach the same way I …

Hello world!

Cras molestie pharetra magna pulvinar porta. Duis condimentum justo nec faucibus hendrerit. Curabitur non lectus id nibh sollicitudin ultrices nec non dolor. Morbi auctor velit vel lectus mollis porta. Suspendisse ullamcorper massa lectus, at euismod nisi iaculis ac. Quisque id ultricies libero, sit amet cursus velit. Donec tempus, turpis et tempor tincidunt, dolor tortor. Cras …